Sunday, June 14, 2009

What Do I do with These Characters?

Cinnamon Burrie was a sweet girl with a tendency to be hot and spicy. She was a high emotion individual . You never knew what could set her off. One moment she seemed fine and happy. She would be laughing and making jokes with people at work. The next minute she'd be cursing up and down like a sailor usually after reading her e-mail. That's when the real work would begin, and Cinnamon got easily ticked off at her customers. ************************************ Basil Harrison was a man about to turn fifty. A perpetual hippe, he had everything handed to him on a silver platter. His parents were extremely rich and they never expected anything from him except to just, be. Basil wanted to do more than just "be" though. He just didn't know what he wanted to be. So here he was turning fifty. He'd never worked a regular job in his life, and he lived in a house that was purchased for him by his parents. Now his parents were pushing ninety and Basil didn't know what he would do without them. They had provided everything for him all his life. How would he function without them? ************************************************************************ Meg's name was short for Nutmeg. Nutmeg Deveraux. She was a lot like the spice in that you really only want it in small doses, and maybe only once a year, like in your egg nog at Christmas, and that's it. Here was a woman who broke all the rules at the riding stable. She always insisted on jumping her horse in the ring when no one was around. She liked to take her horse out on the trails and she would deride anyone who didn't share her enthusiasm for going hell-bent-for-leather in the woods. She would ride over rocks, hills, tree roots, branches and holes. It didn't seem like she cared that much for her horse, it was a means to an end. Otherwise, she would think about the terrain on which she rode, and the speed she urged her horse on to, but to Meg, this was her spice of life. What a thrill to ride her horse through the trails like this. In her mind, this made her a good rider. She also like to go fox hunting. This is a bunch of people riding across the countryside as fast as they can, jumping obstacles, chasing after hounds who are chasing after a fox. It's the thrill of the chase. Taking a riding lesson where you walk, trot, canter and do a little jumping for about forty five minutes doesn't cut it for Nutmeg. For me, however, that sounds like a perfect ride.

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