I did a list of as many kinds of dances as I could think of. I'm sure a missed plenty, but my list was pretty long. Much too long to free write about each type of dance.
The waltz seems sedate, elegant and respectable. For instance, in the movie with Antonio Banderas, where he teaches ballroom dancing to a group of kids in detention, what he's really teaching them is how to respect each other, and how to act as men and women.
I also thought of the fun dances from the 50's and 60's. The twist, what good exercise for the waistline! There's also the swim, the mashed potato (not sure what that is), the stroll, the electric slide.
Oh my gosh, I almost forgot the Charleston, in my list of dances. Remember the scene in "It's a Wonderful Life" where Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed dance in the Charleston contest? I love that scene. Pure fun, and then when they fall into the swimming pool? I'm smiling and laughing everytime I watch the movie, which is at least once a year.
I tried to do the worm at work. I got down on my stomach on the floor, but the carpet was really gross and I found myself unable to flop my body around like a true worm. I really just ended up doing the "stone". No movement, just layed there.
What about the scene in "Gone With The Wind" where Scarlett dances the Virgina Reel, and while she was still in mourning! Scandalous.
I also like the dancing scenes in "Pride and Prejudice". I'm not sure what the names of those dances are, but they looked like fun.
The scene in "Sound of Music" where Maria dances with the Captain in the moonlight is very romantic also.
We used to go out to see bands in college days and thereafter before we slipped into adulthood and dance until the bars closed. Just rock dancing and in high school disco dancing. It was very fun dancing to the Stray Cats or Dummy Club, or going to discos and dancing under disco balls.
Now that I'm old(er). . I never dance anymore, unless it's in the privacy of my living room. What's up with that?
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