Went for a walk at sunset with my friend . Later on in the evening, he told me that my independence was admirable. I guess I've never thought about it. It's the way I've developed over the years, because of the circumstances of my life. His life story is totally different from mine, yet I see him as a kinder and more loving person than myself. Responsible, yet totally in tune with other people. He puts other people, especially his children, before himself, which is admirable, but at the same time, he needs to learn to be gentle with himself, and take care of himself as well. I've never had a problem putting "me" first, but I wish I was more like my friend.
Looks like your having a really nice fall Ellen. I am so distracted that glimpsing it through your eyes took me by surprise. I have been at much of this and not taken enough notice. thank you for your simple heart and friendship.