I remember when I started going back to church. A friend had mentioned this huge church, and how it really gave good sermons and the music was good, and she really liked hearing the people on the platform give testimonies. She thought that was very real and worthwhile. I started going with her. At the time, I was ready to turn back to God. We usually arrived five minutes late and sat in the balcony. The pastors explained how Jesus died for our sins and that by believing in him and what he did, we will go to be with him in heaven when we die. All of a sudden I understood the magnitude of what this meant. I thought of the great love and sacrifice Jesus did for me! I thought, how can people not want to take him up on his offer? Surprisingly many people don't, even after hearing and understanding the gospel message.
So sitting in the balcony, listening to Mel or Stuart preach, I accepted the work of Jesus for me with my whole heart, and I was instantly filled with joy. The process of changing me from the inside out has been a slow one. Thank the Lord for his infinite patience and kindness with me.
I remember coming to church 5 minutes late and sitting in the balcony. Now I come half an hour early and sit right down in front in the middle. It's funny how things change.
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