I was at the horse farm on Saturday, when I saw this cute little yellow plane fly overhead about two times. I looked up in the sky, and thought, hmmm. Isn't that nice. Gee, he's flying pretty low. Twenty minutes later, my cell phone rings. It's my friend Mat. He said, "hey, did you see that yellow plane flying around?" I said yeah. He said, "I was in it!!" No kidding. Right down the rode from the horse farm, they were giving plane rides. The little plane doesn't need much runway, so they were taking off and landing in a grassy field.
The next day, I decided, that I would like to try it, too. Of course, I want to be as daring and spontaneous as my friend Mat. So, after a big greasy breakfast, up I go in this little plane with my camera in hand. It rose up so gently, it didn't feel like anything, and before I knew it, we were high above farm fields, trees, subdivisions, little towns, and countless horse farms. It was really beautiful, and I started snapping a lot of pictures. After a little while, though, I began to feel, not so good. The plane was swimming its way through the windy air, gradually rising up and down, going with the flow. My stomach started churning, and I began to feel very nauseous. Soon, I began thinking, when is he going to land this thing? We were only up there for about 20 minutes. He banked hard to the left, and we came in for a very smooth landing. The look on my face must have said it all. Mat asked if I had good time, and of course I said yes. Then, I asked if we could just sit down on the grass for little while before jumping on his motorcycle to continue our trip. I'm sure my face had gone about 6 shades of green.
I thought I felt better after a little while, so we took off on the motorcycle. However, I didn't really feel better. I started feeling worse. I started breathing heavy, because it seemed to dissipate that nauseous, I'm going to throw up any minute feeling I was having, but then my hands and my feet started going numb. I freaked out a little, told Mat I didn't feel well. He pulled into the parking lot of a little church. I laid down on the grass under a big maple tree. After some time, feeling came back to my limbs, and I didn't feel like I was going to faint. The pastor of the church came out, and asked if we needed anything. She said we were under the Trinity Tree. I wish I would have snapped a picture of it . I didn't notice it at first because I was feeling so awful, but the tree had three very large sturdy branches coming out of one solid trunk. What a great name for a tree at church! Anyway, it was under the Trinity Tree where I began to feel better. We went on our way again. Next stop Walgreens for some Dramamine. Repeat after me, "Dramamine is my friend".