Today's sermon at church was about the "portraits of God". What does he reveal to us about himself, his character. We discussed his holiness, his love and his sacrifice. What I took away from it for me personally is that God is so much bigger than all my perceived petty problems. If I would quit fighting change, quit trying to manipulate my circumstances, and let God be God and let him work out his purposes for me (trust him, even though I don't know why all this at work is happening to me), then maybe I could have a sense of peace and calm. I need to have God's peace and calm come over me. As it is right now, I'm hanging on too tightly to my burdens and I'm not allowing God to have them. He's bigger than any of the problems at my work. I don't need to worry, I can trust him with everything. When I feel overwhelmed at work, I have to trust God , take my time, and know he will help me do my best to get the work done. When, I ignore God, and kick him off his throne, I just make a mess of things, and I make myself an emotional mess too.